Wednesday, July 29, 2009

2710 is now working with WCS!!!

So, here's the deal.

The Location Appliance is finally working with WCS. What did I do to get it working? I followed a suggestion at this site:

Namely, step 4. I guess I had been assuming this whole time that I had changed the HTTPS username/pass... Nope. It was default. D'oh! I still had to check the HTTPS box though, since the 2710 still isn't responding to HTTP. Now, to get it synchronized with the WLCs!

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2710 Location Appliance

For the past couple of days, I've been working on configuring a 2710 Location Appliance. Our division got it used from another division, so I had to start by resetting the root password. I've attempted reconfiguration manually, and when that failed, I've run the automatic setup script. I've also updated the code to 6.0 (I know; it's not the version that is going to be on the CCIE lab, but it's the version of code that we're running on our network here).

It's been a good refresher of using Linux and VI to edit the setup and find files. I'm still not 100% complete, but feel I'm making good progress. The 2710 is back online from its most recent reboot, so back to work!

I posted this on my personal blog by mistake, so now it's in 2 places...


Monday, July 6, 2009

From CCNP to CCIE Wireless?!

This past week (June 28 - July 3) I was able to attend the Cisco Live! 2009 Conference in San Francisco; what a treat! While taking in as many classes as I could (I only missed a single session!) and enjoying the afterhours social activities, I also managed to take the final test in my CCNP certification! Yeah! I passed the ONT test (642-845) with an 89% to complete my CCNP. The first 5 questions threw me for such a loop that I didn't think I would pass... Things got better from there, however, much to my pleasure :)

I spent the next few days trying to decide where I see myself progressing (or digressing, gasp!) from here. After much seeking, I've decided that the CCIE Wireless will be the way to go. While I feel the CCIE Routing and Switching is probably more applicable to the networking world as a whole, I also think that the Routing and Switching exam could cover a lot more material, where the Wireless seems a bit more focused. And, there's absolutely nothing stopping me from going for the Routing and Switching once I have Wireless under my belt!

I made a few key contacts while at Cisco Live! that I'm hoping to follow up on - people who are also interested in obtaining their CCIE Wireless certs. Hopefully I'll be blogging in the days to come about my progress on that front.
