2710 Location Appliance
For the past couple of days, I've been working on configuring a 2710 Location Appliance. Our division got it used from another division, so I had to start by resetting the root password. I've attempted reconfiguration manually, and when that failed, I've run the automatic setup script. I've also updated the code to 6.0 (I know; it's not the version that is going to be on the CCIE lab, but it's the version of code that we're running on our network here).
It's been a good refresher of using Linux and VI to edit the setup and find files. I'm still not 100% complete, but feel I'm making good progress. The 2710 is back online from its most recent reboot, so back to work!
I posted this on my personal blog by mistake, so now it's in 2 places...
It's been a good refresher of using Linux and VI to edit the setup and find files. I'm still not 100% complete, but feel I'm making good progress. The 2710 is back online from its most recent reboot, so back to work!
I posted this on my personal blog by mistake, so now it's in 2 places...
Labels: 2710 Location Appliance
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